Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Should Marijuana Be Legal For Medical Use - 2818 Words
Imagine you have a crippling headache. A friend hands you a hand-rolled cigarette, and says, Smoke this, and it will take away your headache, along with any other pain, or nausea. It s recommended by many doctors because it s all natural, and has far less adverse side effects than other pain medication. It also makes you feel euphoric. Would you take it? Marijuana buds are the flower of the cannabis plant. They are harvested, and sold - unaltered - to men and women all over Canada and the world, for both medicinal and recreational purposes. The buds are taken, ground up, and either smoked, baked into food, or vapourized in order to affect the minds and bodies of those who benefit from it. In Canada, there is federal legislation†¦show more content†¦Ten minutes after smoking the joint, Myrden was singing along with the radio and making [her] bed for the first time in a week! She felt no pain for the first time in a long time. Stories like Alison s are not uncommon, because m arijuana helps treat more than just pain. Marijuana elevates nausea in chemotherapy patients - and anyone else with a stomachache, for that matter. It is also used for inducing appetite in recovering anorexic and bulimics, among others. In Canada, marijuana is used to elevate symptoms from a range of ailments including, among other things Cancer, AIDS/HIV, Multiple Sclerosis, Seizure Disorder, Bowel Disorders, Premenstrual Syndrome, Glaucoma, Muscular Dystrophy, Hepatitis, spinal cord injury, arthritis, and chronic pain. Marijuana is recommended by many doctors because it is far less addictive, and much more benign than conventional drugs used to treat the same ailments, such as morphine. It is even safer than Aspirin. The therapeutic ratio of a drug is the ratio between its effective dose, and its lethal dose. Aspirin s therapeutic ratio is 1:20, meaning if the proper dose is 2 tablets, taking 40 tablets would either kill a person, or seriously damage his digestive system. On the o ther hand, marijuana s therapeutic ratio is impossible to quantify because it is so high. Obviously, marijuana helps many people every day to live happier, more normal lives. It aids people to cope with and get through their diseases,Show MoreRelatedMarijuana Should Be Legal For Medical Use Essay916 Words  | 4 Pagesdescribe recreational use of marijuana and the acute effects it has. I will then examine the laws of my home state of Illinois on the legalization of medicinal marijuana and the amounts allowed to be dispensed to a patient. Lastly I will provide my position on marijuana and support my stand with a solution from a scholarly source. Medicinal The debate over the legalization of marijuana is a hot topic. The first question is whether marijuana should be legal for medical use. Cannabis has a long historyRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legal For Medical And Recreational Use?973 Words  | 4 Pagesless risky than both. I might want to convince you on why pot ought to be lawful. It has numerous awesome reasons for existing, it s a hurtful medication, and how the economy would be a ton better if marijuana was lawful. Today we will discuss why weed needs to be legal for medical and recreational use, how weed is a harmless medication and not addicting, and how lives would be better if weed was lawful and how the economy would be better if weed was legitimate. A great many people in today s publicRead MoreEssay Astonishing Statistics of Marijuana Use in Minors1539 Words  | 7 Pagesmillion Americans ages 12 and over have reported to using marijuana at least once within the previous year. That number alone is an astonishing statistic on marijuana users. Although marijuana has been a drug with increasing popularity especially throughout the past couple of years due to the legalization in some states. In November of 2012 history was made when Washington and Colorado both legalized marijuana for recreational use. Although marijuana is considered to be a Schedule 1 drug, which means itRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legalized?972 Words  | 4 PagesMarijuana Legalization For thousands of years, marijuana has been used for a myriad of purposes ranging from medical use to recreational use. Although small steps are being for marijuana legalization across the country, there is still a long way to go. Some folks argue that marijuana is a gateway drug and impairs judgement, causing people to act recklessly. However, extensive studies have been conducted on the effects, risks, and benefits of marijuana, and have proven marijuana to be safer thanRead MoreMarijuana Decriminalization and Legalization636 Words  | 3 PagesThe validity of marijuana decriminalization (and even legalization) is illustrated in the following analysis of the social, fiscal, political, and medical attributes and conceptions associated with the drug. Marijuana has been used for thousands of years, in 2008; archeologists discovered over two pounds of cannabis in a 2,700-year-old grave of a shaman found in Central Asia. (Armentano, 1) Should marijuana be legalized or at least dec riminalized in America? The following information may give theRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legalized? Essay1518 Words  | 7 PagesMarijuana The truths about marijuana are slowly starting to resurface, the government keeps ignoring that cannabis could one day be as powerful for the U.S. Unfortunately, these truths about marijuana are under a lot of criticism because of the stereotype of what people see as a marijuana or cannabis smoker. There is a great difficulty in this law because marijuana is still recognized as a harmful and dangerous substance in some states. This can cause problems because each state has their differentRead MoreEssay Marijuana Legalization and Regulation1508 Words  | 7 PagesSince 2900 BC, Marijuana, has been used as a medication for people suffering from illnesses.  The Chinese, Egyptian, Indian, Roman, as well as the Ancient Greece cultures became extremely interested in Marijuana’s healing properties when they realized that the drug helped treat people suffering from glaucoma, gout, cramped joints, violent pain, earaches, inflammation, leprosy, edema, and other diseases affecting the body (Deitch).  The idea of using Marijuana as a healer became popular all aroundRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legal?1060 Words  | 5 PagesMedical Marijuana Marijuana is the most commonly used illicit drug in the United Sstates (Wagner).. Marijuana is commonly used becauseThis it is because marijuana is easy to get and doesn’t have the visibly dangerous effects that other drugs like cocaine and heroine have. However,But does that mean marijuana is harmless to the human body? There are some people and studies that believe it is harmlessso. Sanjay Gupta, MD, Chief Medical Correspondent for CNN, wrote the following: â€Å"Frequent marijuanaRead MoreSupport Marijuana Legalization Now! Essay1676 Words  | 7 Pagescoming, he becomes a self-destructive boy by banging his head and body against the wall causing bruising. However, since after treatment with marijuana (also called cannabis), Alexs illness was significantly improved. His parents curb his seizures by giving him a liquid form of marijuana by mouth 3 times a week. For Alexs family, the benefits of marijuana are greater than the risks. For us, the long-term side effects that are unknown for something that cant kill him are a lot better than the long-termRead MoreLegalization of Marijuana Essay731 Words  | 3 Pages Legalizing marijuana has been an ongoing discussion in the united states for many years. Many people think there is no good way to use, while other people believe it could be a helpful medical treatment. Recreational use is what makes this drug a problem. Many people use this drug for non-medical purposes causing it to become a cash crop drug. Marijuana should be legal for medical purposes only. If it was made legal for medical purposes it could help many people who have diseases that can be cured
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